Monday, March 30, 2009

Too Early for Camp Mode?

So in my pursuit of a career in journalism I decided to run for my student association. Anyways as I have mentioned in an earlier post I was the only person with a running opponent. BUT apparently according to one voter today... the other girl dropped out! So as you all can imagine this makes me very excited :) Although I still need to have enough votes to get elected so if you're in journalism still vote for me.

Camp is getting closer which is great since school is totally overwhelming at the moment. Anyways as a supervisor this summer I am required to make sure my staff "bond" so yesterday I organized what I called a Staff Meet and Eat. Aka all my staff and I went out for breakfast to meet each other. As anyone who knows me can imagine I was so nervous all day Saturday and all morning yesterday but in the end (like always) it was really fun and I wondered why I was nervous in the first place.... Such a camp filled wekeend with the friday night dinner, and allergic reaction the breakfast and tonight which is the YCC Fashion Show... not my favorite of camp events but I am excited to see some campers and make a good impression on whatever parents might be in attendance.

Other interesting events of the weekend included: karaoke birthday festivities and ordering mcdonalds at work... there might be more about these events but no guarantees.Oh and hopefully tomorrow's Concordian will include a really fascinating article about composting written by yours truly, me.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Two Tablets - non-drowsy

Moral: Always carry Benadryl (when travelling with Caroline)

So lets go back in time to Christmas where at Alex's family dinner our friend Caroline had what we classified as a mild allergic reaction. She took some Benadryl and everything was great. Now several months later a bunch of us are at dinner for a camp reunion thing. We literally just sat down when Caro turns to me and I notice that her face is all red and swollen. I immediately recognize this as another allergic reaction. We decide to head up the block to get some meds at the depanneur. They don't have any, they don't even know what Benadryl is. We go check another dep on another block, aspirin but nothing else. Twenty-five minutes later and three more deps... still no pills. We decide to bite the bullet and head down to St. Catherine's where we know there is a pharmacy. We go in all excited to finally have ended our search, when we see it aka the metal gate surronding the pharmacy section. No pharmacist = no pills. Just fabulous. Then I see out of the corner of my eye the Bendaryl right next to the gate... arms reach. I stick in my hand and grab the closet one (ended up being the wrong one so I had to take another) anyways... I was worried that we would get to the cash and they wouldn't be able to scan it. Thankfully they were able to and Caro got her pills and her face de-swelled. We return to the dinner 40 minutes later having missed dinner. We were upset and hungry until we heard it was minced meat stuffed chicken that was served. Tear Tear.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


This was too good not to share:
Someone from Fargo North Dakota ended up own my blog when she searched on Google "what was the persons name who came up with the whiteboard" - Just click and see

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This, That & the Other

So I am heading to bed really soon but I felt like giving a little update or lack there of on my election campaign. My total number of group members has peaked at 23, I have yet to create a poster of any kind and I have no clue what or even who my competition is. Yet... I am still very excited and hopeful!

My compost story is less than exciting and I pretty much stared at a blank word document for four hours without writing a single word. Thankfully there was no Self -Bullying involved tonight. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make a story about organic waste in a small private high school interesting, let me know.

It will be past two tomorrow (wednesday) before I step foot in school for the first time this week. I had to cut class today to conduct interviews ,I have no school Mondays and class tomorrow morning is cancelled... which explains my lack of schooling so far this week.

Even with all these impending deadlines and a never ending to do list, I haven't been feeling the pressure that usually encourages me to get my work done. This might be due to the fact a BFF from Santa Barbra is here on spring break and I seem to think I am too. I sense that there will be a bunch of very late nights in the very near future.

Ohhh and my camp staff brunch (aka our pre-camp bonding session) is this sunday! I am split between being nervous and being overly excited. I hope it goes well and if not... the truth is we have a whole summer to make up for it. I also plan to choose which item of clothing my unit will buy and personalize. I am not sure if I want to push the practical angle and get hoodies or sweats OR go for novelty and get like hooded towels, or footed pajamas.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Which is Worse?

That my election campaign group on Facebook has only 13 members?
That more than half those people are my friends... who can't even vote?

A Day of Past and Present

There is something about doing an interview that makes me exhausted. Every time I finish one I feel like I deserve an hour or five hour break before I start homework again. So dumb seeing as I have tons due this week.

Anyways aside from the homework I've got to do, I decided I would 'involve' myself in the school and I am running for Secretary of the JSA (journalism student association). This is quite unlike me but I am really excited anyways! But in Emily fashion out of five available positions mine is the only one where there is more than one person running. How typical. Not that I am not up for some good competition... because I am! If I do get elected I might need to invest in a laptop battery that lasts more than 20 minutes or in a mac. ALSO people I need you to weigh in on what you think my campaign colour should be. The thing is purple and green would be my first choice but the CSU have clearly overkilled that. So SUGGESTIONS? (leave comments with colour choices!) Ya JSA!

So aside from University drama, for a feature I am doing for the school paper I had to visit my high school to learn about composting. See I graduated in 2006, not very long ago by any standards. EXCEPT the school has completely changed. There is a new lunchroom, and added floor, a brand new second gym, a stage, a weekly podcast, a "green" initiave and you now choose a 'major'... as if I had any of those things. Also I can't forget to mention that there is a whole new set of teachers who were up-downing me trying to figure out why I wasn't in uniform vs the old teachers who barely recognized me and also were trying to decide where my uniform was.
They really mean it when they say you can't go home again.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


So I woke up this morning totally inspired by the sun and wanted to do something kind of outdoorsy. Ignoring the fact I had homework I texted Jill, another Taylor Swift fan and told her I wanted to take her and her friend Sarah who was visiting to the Orange Julep. As Nova Scotia natives the two of them had never been so I thought it was my duty to share the wonderfulness of the OJ. Marissa (HAPPY BIRTHDAY) and Mel joined too. So in carpool fashion we piled into the car hit up the giant orange, then went to Walmart, Real Bagel and TCBY. We headed home stomachs full and the sun roof opened... But in the midst of this fun adventure I thought I lost my San Fransisco key chain. Which was very said because it has sentimental value...but it was in my pocket. yay!

Gosh...How I Love Spring!

P.S - I highly recommend Pop Rock Mini Eggs

Friday, March 20, 2009

Beads, Beers and Out of Town Visits

Since I last updated I went back to work after a long retirement. Toy stores seem to be very quiet in the months post x-mas. I was dreading going back, but the truth is it was a pretty fun and easy work day. I was on wrap which made the day go by pretty fast. Then at my cousin's birthday party I was offered a job being a beader... aka someone who works at parties helping seven year old put beads on strings.
I will take what I can get if I want to go away before camp this summer.

Then there was St. Patty's day where in an attempt to be festive I dressed up in a little green and went about my day. On the way home though I bumped into Jamie who somehow convinced me to go drinking with him. Note: it was 2:30 but I followed him to some Irish Pub where by 4 o'clock I had sorta of finished my first beer ever and was slightly tipsy. Let's just say the bus and metro home by myself was less than enjoyable. Don't think I am done celebrating... this sunday is the St. Patrick's day parade. I have lived here all my life and never been so I think it is about time to get dressed up in green and head out onto St. Catherine's Street.

That is not all I am excited about. In fact,
best friend Madeleine from all the way in Santa Barbra is coming to Montreal for her spring break, yay! Though we have nothing major planned it will be the first time seeing her in almost year (well aside from Skype) so I am VERY excited. Also there has been this package I have been meaning to send her since this summer that she will finally receive.

Other than that I have lots of work and tons of interviews but as it is the first official day of SPRING I will avoid stressing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Guilty Pleasure

I like Taylor Swift. Which is hard for me to admit after mocking certain friends like Paige who told me the same thing. I even bought the song on iTunes twice because the first time it went missing after it was downloaded. I just can't help but sing along to Love Story. I don't know how I let this happen but I already know all the words and have even watched the music video...twice. Not to mention I just wrote a blog post about the song. My only complaint though is that I know get all this country music suggestions in my Genius on iTunes.

Moving on, I don't know how much I appreciate the fact facebook is making me adapt again. The truth is that I know in max 2 weeks I won't even notice the changes. What is interesting about it though is that many twitterers have been commenting on
its similarity to twitter. And I think they are dead on....

Monday, March 9, 2009

Flowers and Butterflies

It is sort of almost spring so I decided to be a little more cheerful

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mild Freakout

What kind of terrible journalist accidentally plugs the microphone into the headphone jack? So that the entire interview is barely audible? With the assignment already a week late? With an entire grade penalty? With another project in that class due the day after the extension?
The same kind of person who has this comment on their -A test "Maybe you missed the key concept because you have the terrible habit of talking when I am talking" Note: this teacher in his course outline states that a 5% penalty will be deducted from your final mark for every incident you are caught talking. Sounds like I might need to drop this class. But I won't know for sure until I go speak to him Tuesday. Which is fine minus the fact that we have a 10 page research paper due on thursday... meaning I need to start a paper I might not even have to finish.

So Camp sends out a newsletter to all the campers. Being the supervisor means I have a picture and small blurb written about me so parents and kids know who I am. This is fine especially since I get to choose the picture myself. HOWEVER in this blurb they totally messed up my camp legacy saying it was my eleventh summer when really it's my twelfth. They also referred to me as the supervisor of the camp website rather than just simply calling me the camp photographer. So I may be overreacting a little but considering they know who I am and have for TWELVE summers I thought they could have been a little more careful.

K I am done crying... and if you read to the end of this post I apologize for my emoness

Oh and PS - we lose an hours sleep tonight... sucks

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Purim Positivity

So I think... rather I know that I live my life too structured and too worried about everything. Which is one of the main reasons why I update so infrequently. Every blog post has to be written, edited and formatted to match all my other ones. This obsession with only using purple and arial font size large is just one of my neurotic behaviours that I think is preventing me from freedom. Well that and the fact that I am way too comfortable living at home. Anyways my goal is to live life a little less seriously and take myself a little less seriously too.

So in an un-whiteboard fashion I will fill you in on my last few adventures in a list form that doesn't involve and FML worthy moments (ok, just one).

1. Went to a foam party - had lots of fun... I even danced
2. Bought a pinata and filled it with candy for lisa's birthday - it was amaaazing

3. Barely studied for one of my poli sci tests -
YET the teacher wants to use my essay as an example of a good essay
4. Packed up and went to Florida for my first time in years (I know, totally NOT stereotypical)

5. Enjoyed Florida and the sun but accidentally left my necklace on and got stuck with an untanned heart on my neck that still shows
6. Ate a lot in Florida and ate a little more

7. Came home to lots of unfinished homework that is still mostly unfinished and for some reason I barely care

8. Enjoyed vacation for the most part minus the awkward tan lines
9. Ran on the treadmill for like the first time ever but it was fun because of my super upbeat playlist I made.
10. TCBY with Stalkers Katie and Stacy in honor of their birthdy to happen sometime soon
11. Planning to attend a party tomorro
w night in celebration of Jewish Halloween and come home later than I should *gasp*

There are some funny stories from these last few weeks that deserve blog post themselves but I am not sure when I will get around to writing them.

Happy Purim everyone!ps. this post only took fifteen minutes compared to my average hour

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Quick Vent

I have totally neglected this blog over the month of February because I was too busy enjoying some much needed vacation...

Anyways, I feel that I do not take enough advantage of living in Mo
ntreal. It is such a fabulous city full of amazing places that I am unaware of and this bothers me. I live in my little suburban bubble rarely venturing out to different parts of town.
Like for example, last night was Nuit Blanche and although I headed
out to the Old Port I spent more time eating then I did discovering art exhibitions or listening to showcases of local musicians. Or the fact that this week is Montreal Fashion Week I feel should excite me more than it does.
This lack of exploration is especially bad since being a journalism student, I should probably make more of an effort to get to know my city. Especially sinc
e I have a radio assignment due wednesday with no topic and no interviews.

Ahhh... sorry for the complaining I think I am just suffering Back to School Blues.

Though I have to add that one day when lying on the beach with my iPod on shuffle I found my new addiction:
Boyz - M.I.A