Sunday, April 25, 2010

Purple Bicycle

YAY! I found a super awesome bike yesterday and I love love love it! I got it from a guy on Kijiji behind a warehouse on St. Patrick. Let me just say if I had gone alone (without my father) I would not have gotten out of my car. It was sooooo sketchy that I wanted to take a picture but was being watched by some people who I assume were his "employees". Anyways I think the bike comes from an old rental shop because the seat has a number on it and there were some compromising stickers that I have since peeled off. I also Vim'ed the tires and sprayed the squeaky springs. All that is left is the decision of whether or not to name it... suggestions?

Here are some proud mother snapshots of me looking very unphotogenic on my new purple gem (as Alex refers to it as)!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sunny Saturday

Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous and sunny. Not to mention I have appointments with craiglisters to go look at bikes but have nobody to drag with me. I need exams to be over so I can have some friends basically if you are free tomorrow let me know so we can play. I also must add that I am addicted to Mr. Freeze Jumbo freezies lately - more specifically the white one which I have discovered is Cream Soda flavoured! yum yum! I wish I had more to report on but today was rather lame. I worked, watched more episodes of Psych, had dinner, watched the HABS WIN and played on Sporcle, a highly addictive website whose tag-line is "mentally stimulating diversions."I highly recommend it because it is a great way to kill time without feeling too guilty since it is very educational. Here was my
favorite quiz of the day -"Antonym Movie Titles."
So back to my summer, which is currently very planless. I have two goals for the next week:

#1. Find a super duper awesome location to travel to with friend Lisa at the beginning of July
#2. Find tons of fun local activities in Montreal to keep me busy until then

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What next...

After several months of hibernation I decided to return to the Whiteboard mostly because I am bored and in need of a hobby. I have graduated from my second year at University which freaks me out because I still feel and look about fifteen. I am usually pretty at peace with my youthful appearance but today I was out for lunch when a stupid waiter ruined my entire day. I was with my stepmother at a mexican restaurant. She ordered a piña colada and I ordered a questions asked. Halfway through my drink I mentioned how by that point in a drink I usually feel a little tipsy but was currently feeling as though there was very little alcohol. I shrugged it off and blamed it on eating too much. BUT SURE ENOUGH, when we got the bill it listed "1 virgin margarita." I get that I look young but I think the waiter could have had the decency to ask me or maybe even the decency to apologize when we told him his mistake. All he had to say was that he "didn't realize." K thanks buddy but I still would like some tequila. Plus side is that I got treated to an awesome new pair of Converse (after ruining the ones I had with bleach.)
Anyways today is Earth Day but nothing seems to be happening in the city or maybe I just didn't get word of it. Like always though, Google represented with a cool graphic and tons of links. This reminds me of my latest fixation - finding a bike to buy. I am desperate to find a bike I can ride to work or even school. I have searched craigslist and other websites but I still have not found "the one" aka a bike thats pretty and cheap and the right size for my 5"2 height.
Aside for those two little anecdotes/rant so much has happened since I have last posted, none of which include finding summer plans. But I can proudly boast that I am next year's Journalism Student Association President and the Editor of the Life Section of the Concordian!!! Both jobs start in the fall which is why I need something to occupy the next four months. For the last twelve years I have attended sleep-away camp and this will be my first year not returning. This was a decision I was confident with until it was April and I still had ZERO planned. I remember back in November thinking that it all was just going to work out. I believed that I would either find some super awesome amazing trip to go on, a volunteer opportunity to engage in or maybe even some career enhancing internship. I do have to admit that I did not try too hard to find these plans but for once I wanted something to find me which up to now has not happened. And as you can imagine, I am feeling slightly defeated. Though one would think sitting in bed to noon everyday would be amazing, it is less than a week in and I am already so bored I could cry. The one thing that has kept me going is Psych, a TV show I have become completely addicted to and highly recommend!
Other than that, not much to report on but I can imagine there will be lots coming up in the next four months (or so I hope.)