Friday, November 21, 2008

Whiteboard visit from Baltimore

So a few weeks back I was curious to know how many people were reading my blog. I signed up for a site counter that also tracks who the visitors are. I know that sounds creepy but really it just tells me how people were referred to my blog and like where in the world they are reading it from. (I hope this doesn't sketch you out to the point you will never read my blog again)

Anyways, I was checking out this info when I saw I had a visitor from Baltimore, Maryland. I don't know anyone who lives out there so I decided to see how they got to my blog. And what do you know? The referring link was a google search for self-bullying. In case that doesn't ring a bell check out the 7th result or click here!


Anonymous said...

wow that is misleading!

but now your famous...people from baltimore reading your blog...i thought it was just your bored loser friends like me :)

bgonshor said...

AMAZING! This thing is taking over.