Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Press Pass (and The Hills and My Birthday)

The Hills is my not so guilty pleasure. I am proud t o admit that I watch it and I love it!
I don't aspire to be like them, I don't think the show has any substance or truth. It's funny and enjoyable and it is the perfect endings to my Monday nights.
Anyways... this weeks episode featured the ongoing saga of Lauren and Audrina's dwindling friendship. Generally it looks like made up drama that is acted, staged and totally unemotional. BUT this week the two shared a heart to heart that grabbed my heart. (Lame... I know) Both girls had tears in their eyes, and bared their intimate feelings to the public. Okay fine, maybe its fake intimate feelings but regardless I couldn't help but feel for the first time in my Laguna/Hills career that I was imposing on an intimate exchange between "friends".

The other thing I so desperately need to discuss is my love/hate relationship with the 27th of September. Birthdays are always filled with so much hype but despite endless attempts of perfect plans they are also always a let down. Like many things in life, I am nervously awaiting the day when I must choose how to celebrate my 19th. Decision day is max a week away and this is a problem because I am idealess. I do however intend to have super low expectations so that if it sucks, I have saved myself from extra emotional distress.

I have to brag about what is guaranteed to be the best part of my week. Today I found out that as a Journalism student I get my very own Press Pass :) Can't wait! I hope that I can use it to get into movies and concerts oh and of course use it to write super awesome articles/reviews.

Off to read Twilight (yes I am already hooked).


Laur said...

lies.. you found out about the press pass yesterday, fool.

Jamie said...

yes shapiro...thats when she wrote the post. anyways emily, im jealous of your press-pass-ness. enjoy