Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Year's Resolution? No More Scarves
I have a nice collection ranging between 12-15 and a multitude of colours, textures, fabrics and sizes.
The thing is.... it seems that people think it is the ONLY thing I like because for the holiday season I have received 5 more. And not that I don't appreciate presents because I really do I just can't handle another scarf. Like literally, I have nowhere to store the things.
I discovered my lack of space today when my mother forced me to clean my room. I realized that I just have way too much JUNK. Currently, I am on a cleaning 'break' which judging by the giant pile in the middle of my floor, I can't really afford the Time Out. Yet its my first day off in ages so I can't afford to waste precious lying in bed time either...
Anyways, so just like my birthday and halloween... NEW YEARS stresses me out. What to do. No matter what, let's be honest... it is always a bust. But in theme with my resolution to 'be positive', I believe tomorrow night will work out and be awesome!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I am Back...
I haven't even had the chance to break out my snowboard yet this season which is a whole other load of disappointment.
But seeing as it is Christmas, I am going to move on and think of things I am looking forward to....
- Doroshenko Christmas Dinner (which is in like 5 minutes)
- Shopping trip to Burlington
- Hitting the slopes (hopefully)
- Sleeping in past 9
So ya, hopefully some new material will come out of all these exciting upcoming events
Thursday, December 11, 2008
There is ALWAYS Time for Procrastination...always
Anywhooo I have a great story to tell about a certain facebook group of mine known as JERC but it will have to wait until I am feeling confident in my Marketing and Political Science abilities.
Also I have come across this amazingly awesome website that should immediately be checked out. http://www.joytshirt.com
I highly suggest clicking the 'random button'.
The truth is though I saw a story about it on the news last night and I am not sure whether the same affect is given off online but I hope so. All I do know is that LadyAwkz and I have plans to purchase someone ASAP.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
All I have done in the last week is sit, eat, type, read, eat, eat, and eat. I am actually embarrassed of the amount I have consumed or the amount of Diet Cokes I have drank. One of my favorite treats of the week are Hershey Kisses - Cherry that my mother brought home. Despite the fact I prefer dark chocolate to milk these little delicacies taste like the good old fashion cherry blossoms (minus the cherry). While searching for a picture online, I learned that they are Limited Edition (I love the Holidays!)... a good way to justify the dozen I have already eaten.
Oh and I forgot to mention I also voted in the election and walked my dog. Sorry for this post's lack of 'substance'....
With vacation soon, I am sure that there will be lots more to come - not that I am going anywhere exciting butt I work at a toy store and it is almost Christmas so I am hoping for lots of blog worthy stories.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Personal Space?
Anyways, I guess there wasn't toilet paper or something because she walks right out a second later. I figured she found it as awkward as I did. NOPE... where does she go? Why of course, she goes to the stall directly on my other side! I just don't get it. People should learn that there is public bathroom etiquette that requires a person to respect another's personal space. There is actually an entire site dedicated to it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jesus Week
The whole ordeal started when I attended a lecture at Concordia. It was a presentation to be given by Kim Phuc known as The Girl in the Picture. Anyways it was being hosted by Campus for Christ a ministry that acts as a spiritual resources on university campuses across Canada... whatever that means. Kim was an amazing speaker and shared her incredible story but clearly I should have expected that for an hour and a half I would listen to how becoming a Christian changed Kim's life and how accepting Jesus into her heart allowed her to blah blah blah. The best part though, had to be when she started crying and saying God is the essence (or something like that). Pretty much confessions of a love for Jesus was a little to much for Moses loving me. Though, maybe I am just acting like a naive Jew.
My Jesus week is still not over. For anyone who watches and obsesses with TLC reality specials, you would be familiar with the show about the Duggar family "17 Kids and counting". This uber religious family has seventeen children and one on the way. All whose first name starts with the letter J. How cute, kinda like Sesame Street. All the children have been brought up with strict beliefs about religion and popular culture. The fifteen year old J-whatever was sharing his belief that internet in the home is a terrible influence because of the access to pornographic content. (Ironically, the family has its own website) How could I forget the only music they listen to is gospels. According to the eight year old girl J-whocares rock music is a terrible influence, Jesus music is better. I was thankful when Jon and Kate Plus Eight came on.
LadyAwkz (Alex) and I went digging at the salvation army on Friday. We were looking for inspirations for a bag line we hope to launch on etsy. I got sidetracked in the picture frame/other random junk department. I was scavenging around looking for interesting frames when I found one that was almost perfect...minus the words inscribed at the bottom "Confirmed in Christianity" with a nice little cross in the little side corner. Um never mind then.
Lastly, my grandmother's care-taker, Lynette, was eating dinner with us on Friday. My grandmother was excited to tell us that Lynette sings in the choir and has a mini concert for us. Not exactly mosh pit... So she gets up to sing the famous Christmas carol "Silent Night". The lyrics go something like this:
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born.
Maybe I am over thinking the whole thing, but I don't know it seems that a higher power is trying to tell me something...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So I don't know about the rest of the world, but I find it very hard deciding how to address teachers in emails. Well it always stresses me out (but what doesn't) and I usually go with a simple 'Hi' or I head right into the question.
Friday though, I sent out the email quickly. This is what I wrote:
I had a question about broadcast format for websites
(long boring answer to question)
B. ________
my apologies
oh ps: there are only 18 people in Monday's class, aka - very intimate.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Whiteboard visit from Baltimore
Anyways, I was checking out this info when I saw I had a visitor from Baltimore, Maryland. I don't know anyone who lives out there so I decided to see how they got to my blog. And what do you know? The referring link was a google search for self-bullying. In case that doesn't ring a bell check out the 7th result or click here!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well sure enough, the joke was on me. My grandmother called to tell me she too was going to see the play. So when I picked up my friends, I had to admit to them that despite anything and everything I had said earlier that week, my grandmother was front and center in the audience. Not that you could find her among all the other little cute old ladies with white and gray hair sitting next to her.
I was a good granddaughter and went to say hi just before the show started. I ended up meeting half the theatre but its okay cause I love my grandma so I kept a smile on my face as strangers pinched my cheecks.
My Cheesy Love for Jack's
I love Jack's Mannequin and this is no secret. Friday was his concert and it was amazing.
Here are the reasons why:
- Therefore, I was touching the stage.
- His music was incredible live
- I bought a limited edition signed poster
- Got free stickers
- Was with my best friends
- Oh and how could I forget? I MET HIM.
- Got more paraphernalia signed
- Took a picture that is now my facebook display, desktop background, and cell phone background!
(ignore his 'tour stache', even my undying love for him doesn't make it okay to grow a porno mustache)
Okay I was going to summarize my whole week in this post but the cheesiness is too much...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Second Line
When I go to post a birthday message on someone's wall, I always stress over the second line.
Stress Factors:
I want to make it personal not generic.
I don't my second line to be a repetition of the posts before mine, so 'have a good day' is usually taken by the million before mine.
I am not an 'xoxo' type of girl so using that is out of the question.
................................... <-- Insert personal AND original message there.
Pretty much, I am being ridiculous, BUT I figured I can't be alone in this dilemma of the second line so I decided to share.
P.S Happy Birthday Alexandra!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Breaking it Down.
People watching was a very important part of our trip. Throughout the weekend we tried to classify the 'cool' people according to two terms 'hipster' and 'scenester'.
Now I am going to do the uncool thing and try to break down the difference between hipsters and scenesters so that you too can stereotype the fashionable people you see on the street.
According to Urban Dictionary Hipsters:
- Listen to bands that you have never heard of and claim to be in a band
- Have hairstyles that can only be described as "complicated" but is most likely achieved by a minimum of one week not washing it.
- Are probably tattooed.
- Maybe gay.
- Have a closet full of clothing but wear same three things which are most likely very tight black pants, scarf, and ironic tee-shirt over and over again
- Chips off nail polish artfully after $50 manicure.
- Addicted to coffee, cigarettes and possibly cocaine.
- Hipsters are definitely cooler than you
- They always deny being a hipster
According the Hipster Handbook Hipsters:
Note: it is no longer recommended that one use the term "cool"; a Hipster would instead say "deck."
- Possess tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool.
- Walk among the masses in daily life but is not a part of them and shuns or reduces to kitsch anything held dear by the mainstream.
- Ideally possesses no more than 2% body fat
cultural scene based around a genre of music,
art, film or other media.
- Will adopt the fashion and habits of people in the scene in an attempt to claim oneself as part of it.
- The difference between a scenester and a person who is simply in a culture is originality and sincerity.
- Seen as trendy wannabes.
-Bring underground scenes into mainstream, which then "packages" the scene and turns it into a trend, ruining it.
- Love and idolize their Myspace page
- May claim to be hipsters, but they are not.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
So for all three of you Whiteboard fans, you can now stalk my life via My Twitter Page
Oh and you all should get one... its the new cooler version of a facebook status!
(Twitter Updates to appear on my left sidebar)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hired & Home
Camp FINALLY hired me for the position I wanted which is very exciting because karen and I now run all of junior side girls. Oh boy so much responsibility.
Moving on, BOSTON was this weekend and it was amazing. The weather was pretty decent and so was the shopping. While there, I thought of so many things to write about in my blog but now that I am home I obviously cannot. So frustrating. Hopefully though some stuff will come back to me.
This was just a quick update before bed because it has been almost a week since I have written anything and even longer since I have written anything good. Also, not sure who the anonymous commenter is but I am really glad you liked the blog title but please for the sake of my sanity who are you? (note: you can notify me via facebook or text if it is more convenient)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Irony...
The material is less than exciting but what can one really expect from an intro course.
I have been able to deal with the boredom but I cannot deal with the midterms!
WHY? well...
Our first midterm was held the day after the Canadian Election. Seeings as that our federal election was less than exciting, I had no problem spending the night studying.
Now the night before our second midterm, I am less than pleased to be missing out on the historical American election coverage.
Its quite ironic that a political science class designed to teach me about politics is in truth preventing me from doing just that.
So if I fail tomorrow's exam, at least I saw history in the making.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Connect Four - Creating a Legacy
For eleven summers I have gone to the same sleep away camp and plan on making it a twelfth if they ever call to hire me. (I have only spent all day nervously staring at my phone). My anxiousness reached such extremes that I left my cell with my mother because it was preventing me from functioning. Now shes upstairs with it and every time I hear the floorboards creek, my heart is in my throat. Totally not what this post was supposed to be about.
Moving on...
For those of you who aren't aware, I am an only child. Therefore, at camp or at school I create my own legacy which ends once I leave. Yet recently my younger cousins have 'come of age' for sleep-away camp. So when they told me that they would never attend sleep away camp, you could imagine I took it personally. Here was my one shot of maybe having someone continue my legacy but no.
I was pissed.
Anyways, my cousin told me he was the best Connect Four player ever. I told him that there was no way he could beat me, I am a professional. But he insisted and after a close game I won. (No great feat considering hes 7.) Then the rest of my anti-camp cousins challenged me and I proceeded to beat each of them. Then beat them again when they took me on as a team.
They were not happy.
And refused to play against me ever again.
I guess I should have let them win at least once, but my immaturity to their anti-camp spirit got in the way.
Then they asked me how I got so good at the game.
My answer?
Maybe now they will reconsider.
Maybe I should gain some maturity.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Not So Brady Bunch
Necessary background info: my parents are divorced and remarried.
So a couple of months back, my mother and I decided to switch our individual phone plans to a family plan. It seemed like the perfect solution to our overages and ridiculous monthly fees. We made the switch effortlessly. One family plan. Two family members. For now... Within the next day, included in our plan was my mother's common law husband's son, aka my sorta step-brother.
Now this may seem normal enough but just wait...
I was so excited about my new plan that I told my father all about it. I bragged about my cheap rates, unlimited texting, 300 weekeday minutes, etc. I guess the offer was so appealing, that he wanted in. So he called up my mother, aka his EX-wife and asked to join this family plan. Within the next day, my father was in on the deal.
And here we have the world's most awkward unfamily family plan ever. A daughter, her two divorced parents, and a sorta step sibling all cashing in on bell's latest offer. The best though is that there is free calls between members!
Can't you just picture my father calling his ex-wife's new husband's son???
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Top 3 - things I should be doing (instead of blogging)
2. Radio Package Script - worth 25% of my grade - due tomorrow
3. Marketing Assignment 7&8 - already a week late - due last tuesday
Off to try and make some progress in my work load. peace.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday's 2nd Fabulous Event
So last night four of us journalism students attended a women's hockey game in support of a fifth journalism friend Keely. The game was at 7:30, clearly an unpopular time for hockey because the rink was empty (or people don't care about girls hockey). There were maybe 60 people besides for us.
Anyways, its midway through the first period and they announce a contest. I am not paying attention at all to what the DJ is rambling about but journalism friend Evan, reaches into his pocket and takes out his ticket. He gets all excited because they called out #115 and hes was #114. Meaning that most likely, it was one of us who had won.
SURE ENOUGH I scramble in my purse to find winning ticket 115. I am instructed to go up to the DJ booth where a girl tells me I have a chance of winning $650 to Super C. All I have to do is go onto the ice and take a shot from center ice and get it into a tiny slit in front of the net.
Cool that I have never played hockey.
Cooler though, that I felt totally guilty cause Evan is a hockey player and probably could have gotten it in. He told me that whatever I do, don't turn my body and don't use too little power (so it doesn't make it down the ice).
At the end of the period the DJ wishes me luck and I am escorted by the girl onto the ice. I am very focused on not slipping because that would probably be worse than missing it. Then with all my might I attempt the $650 shot. Obviously, I do the exact opposite of everything Evan warned me about and send the puck into the side boards barely making it to the other end of the rink.
Luckily though, I received a souvenir puck, I didn't slip and I had the satisfaction in knowing only about 56 people saw me fail!
Friday, October 24, 2008
This WOULD happen to me
So I am thinking that she has thrown one of her balls behind and is trying to get it out when i hear the squeak. I listen closely and that is when I hear fluttering feathers and chirping. Sure enough, there is A BIRD IN MY FIREPLACE. My dog is freaking out and so am I.
I call my mother - she is useless.
I decided to call the SPCA, they tell me to call the Wildlife Control. They tell for 350 dollars, they can send someone to try and get it out - no guarantees. Oh thats nice, no guarantees meaning you might come and leave without saving no god damn bird. Not going to happen.
I call my mother back - she is still useless. $350 non-guaranteed rescue is out of the question (duh!)
I try to distract my dog by putting her outside. After 10 minutes of yelping on the back balcony, I let her in BUT she ran to the basement and cried even louder. Fun fact = dogs don't have short term memory. So I thew her back outside where she is currently barking. I am sure my neighbors love me! Plus now I have moved all my books up to the kitchen out of the echoes of dying bird.
Nothing says study atmosphere quite like dying bird and crying dog.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fabulous October/November
Anyways, I mostly wanted to write this post to list some of the wonderful events that will happen between now and the end of November.
First there is Halloween. Although I am not really excited actually kind of the opposite but I'm being optimistic and hoping I attend some crazy awesome party. Very doubtful. I am excited about the Halloween Journalism Student Association (JSA) Stache Bash where students are encouraged to wear/grow a mustache in exchange for a free beer. The reason this is so exciting is that at work (toystore), we sell fake mustaches and I am always like WHAT are these for? Now I know! I wonder if I should sport the handle bar or fu manchu.
There is also my trip to BOSTON. So excited. More details to come...
The FEIST concert for which I bought tickets in like april so really it is about time.
Oh and how can I forget? JACK'S MANNEQUIN concert too!
So as I struggle through school I am trying to focus on these fabulous events rather than sulk about all the work I have, that I am not doing.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Top 3 - Things I Can't Live Without
1. Diet Coke
Honestly without diet coke I don't think I would ever study. Plus I use it as a treat/reward as a way to limit my daily consumption.
Sounds totally random I know. But a pomegranate is probably the best study snack ever. In general while I am study I need to be constantly eating so like this fruit has what a million seeds it takes me hours to finish. Plus, it is a lot healthier than chips/popcorn which was my old study snack.
I just recently bought a new chair for my desk and it is the love of my life. It leans all the way back which is just fabulous really. I owe its wonderfulness to my bureau en gros employee friend. Unfortunately though it doesn't really fit under my desk which is sort of a problem. Oh well.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
W - is at the end of the alphabet
It was miserable.
Today in class we had to discuss our experience. Now my teacher decided that she would start right up at the top of the class list and ask each individual student to talk about the streeter. As always, I have the pleasure of being W. Being last on the class list, I had the pleasure of spending an hour listening until it was eventually my turn. So as my classmates told their stories, it seemed that all of them had a good experience with a few exceptions here or there. One girl was told by a passerby that they had no spare change to give her. All in all though everyone seemed to have little trouble at all. But not me, I suffered through this.
- Was so nervous, I walked around the block 2X before even taking out my pen and paper
- Finally asked some man who after sharing with me his most intimate thoughts, wouldn't give me his name AKA I cannot use him in my article
- There was a man who was a little "off" who throughout my streeter was calling out questions to me. I finally decided to go approach him and had to hear all about his life
- I approached a nice looking man with a baby stroller and I was getting very useful information. Then his wife came along and right in front of me she goes to the man "who is she?" Let us not forget I was standing right there. Awkward.
- I also had the pleasure of having a couple fight when I asked them if they were voting and one of them said no but the other wouldn't accept this as an answer.
- As I have mentioned before, campers love to ruin my life and throughout my streeter I had camper interruptions and spent 15 minutes making small talk with parents and 10yr old girls
- BUT the best had to be when my "stepfather's" ex wife approached me
Well hello to you too!
P.S: Thank you Alex and Caro for visiting me, you probably saved me from tears.
Monday, October 13, 2008
approached by CanWest to replace regular newsroom staff should there be a strike
or lock-out at The Gazette. While that decision is ultimately up to you,
I would caution you to think very carefully about accepting such an offer
as it is a form of scab labour. Not only could it harm your reputation
and the reputation of our department within the journalistic community,
it interferes with the ongoing collective bargaining process between Gazette
journalists and their employer."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Summing it Up
Tuesdays there is always a conference for first year Journalism students. This week we had the lucky treat of having recent journalism graduates from 06/07 who are currently "working journalists". I was so impressed one worked at the Gazette, another at Global, CTV, Chom, and CJAD. After they introduced themselves and spoke about their careers, I was so inspired. They then spoke about how they haven't had a weekend or summer in two years and shared embarrassing moments and career costing mistakes they have made. Hearing their first hand accounts and their honesty of bad experiences freaked me so much that after the conference I was ready to switch into psychology.
Signing onto facebook and seeing a friend request is something I used to look forward to. However, recently there has been an epidemic of campers adding me. I mean this is expected in August and September but by October I thought I was free from 10-12 year old girls requesting my facebook friendship. Clearly I was wrong. Not only do they add me 100X a day, but they flood my newsfeed, and my photo albums so that I can no longer do any discreet/effortless stalkage.
Public transport was my worst enemy wednesday. I had my first university midterm at 1015 downtown. I left at 915 more than enough time to get there and get a little studying in before the exam. But instead the bus arrived at 925 so full that standing on top of someone was the only option. Of course, a crowded bus is expected at rush hour but not when you live on the route's second stop. Hoping to do a little refresher on the bus was clearly no longer an option. I dealt with my frustration by realizing I still had the metro portion where I could do a little studying. So I get to the metro and hop on the cart just in time to hear that the orange line is down for an undetermined amount of time. Cool. It is now 9:40 and my class and midterm are so soon that I begin to freak out and contemplate heading out to find a cab. I decide to wait it out but I'm so nervous that I will miss my exam, that studying while waiting is no longer an option. I decide I will wait two more minutes. It is now 9:47 and I can no longer wait. As I am about to get up and go, the doors thankfully shut. But by then I am so nervous I stare at my watch the entire rest of the ride. With no studying done, I get to my exam just in time. This seems like a happy ending unless you know anything about me which means emily + nerves = death. I will be surprised if i get more than 25% on my midterm. Fun times.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Top 3 - Songs (for now)
Note: These are not my favorite songs of all time but merely my favorite songs of this week.
Narrowing down my playlist was quite the challenge and so was not choosing 3 Jack's Mannequin songs. Also knowing me, I will probably regret my choices within 2 seconds of posting this.
But here it goes anyways:
Jack's Mannequin - Swim
I discovered Jack's from One Tree Hill. I owe most of my iTunes library to that show. Out of 21 songs on the album I struggled to decide between Hammer and Strings and Swim both are awesome. I liked the Hammer and Strings melody more but Swim won because the lyrics deal which deal with his struggle with Leukemia are just so inspiring . I definitely suggest paying careful attention to the words.
The Band of Horse - Funeral
This song was a recommendation from one of my music gurus. It is a little old but I still love it and love them so I put it on my list.
Coconut Records - West Coast
This was a post summer discovery recommended by another a music guru. Fun Fact it features a Phantom Planet ex band member so if you nostalgic towards the O.C while listening you now know why.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I procrastinate homework until the last possible second. Friday was no exception and I wasted my whole day doing nothing. I opened Microsoft Word to a blank document in attempt to start my political science homework. However, hours later I had nothing done and I was going out for dinner. I was mad at myself so I typed the following message into the blankness: "Fuck emily way to get nothing done, Loser".
Anyways, when I returned hours later I had forgotten about the message. I was in such shock when I opened my screen and saw the hurtful words. I almost cried. The whole thing (including this post) was pretty lame but I wanted to show that self-bullying exists and sucks so don't do it.
The new header on this blog is a result of Friday's procrastination.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Weighing in at 7.4 lbs Noa is the cutest little girl I have ever seen.
Pre hospital visitation I did something I haven't done in ever. I went into HMV and bought a CD. As an iTunes enthusiast, this purchase was totally out of character but it was also very satisfying:
I promise that tomorrow amidst my typical Friday procrastinations, I will update this blog a little more.