Disclaimer: what you are about to read is awkward, really awkward.
Necessary background info: my parents are divorced and remarried.
So a couple of months back, my mother and I decided to switch our individual phone plans to a family plan. It seemed like the perfect solution to our overages and ridiculous monthly fees. We made the switch effortlessly. One family plan. Two family members. For now... Within the next day, included in our plan was my mother's common law husband's son, aka my sorta step-brother.
Now this may seem normal enough but just wait...
I was so excited about my new plan that I told my father all about it. I bragged about my cheap rates, unlimited texting, 300 weekeday minutes, etc. I guess the offer was so appealing, that he wanted in. So he called up my mother, aka his EX-wife and asked to join this family plan. Within the next day, my father was in on the deal.
And here we have the world's most awkward unfamily family plan ever. A daughter, her two divorced parents, and a sorta step sibling all cashing in on bell's latest offer. The best though is that there is free calls between members!
Can't you just picture my father calling his ex-wife's new husband's son???

Necessary background info: my parents are divorced and remarried.
So a couple of months back, my mother and I decided to switch our individual phone plans to a family plan. It seemed like the perfect solution to our overages and ridiculous monthly fees. We made the switch effortlessly. One family plan. Two family members. For now... Within the next day, included in our plan was my mother's common law husband's son, aka my sorta step-brother.
Now this may seem normal enough but just wait...
I was so excited about my new plan that I told my father all about it. I bragged about my cheap rates, unlimited texting, 300 weekeday minutes, etc. I guess the offer was so appealing, that he wanted in. So he called up my mother, aka his EX-wife and asked to join this family plan. Within the next day, my father was in on the deal.
And here we have the world's most awkward unfamily family plan ever. A daughter, her two divorced parents, and a sorta step sibling all cashing in on bell's latest offer. The best though is that there is free calls between members!
Can't you just picture my father calling his ex-wife's new husband's son???

the brady bunch reference is completely useless....but then again so are a lot of my blog post titles too.... liked the post though...
all i can say is omg hahaha oh wow
haha oh harry!!
so like i said...that post made my day..defs entertainment for my boring classes...
gotta love the family stories!
No Jamie, YOU'RE useless. Jokes, much love. Best post ever?
everyone reads your blogs at bizarre hours!
me = 2:40 am, jamie = 1:57 am, caroline = 5:28 am.
P.S. we must inquire about Caroline's doings at 5:28 am. SLeep is of the essence.
shapiros comment is absolutely hilarious... kudos.
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