Sunday, October 5, 2008


I procrastinate homework until the last possible second. Friday was no exception and I wasted my whole day doing nothing. I opened Microsoft Word to a blank document in attempt to start my political science homework. However, hours later I had nothing done and I was going out for dinner. I was mad at myself so I typed the following message into the blankness: "Fuck emily way to get nothing done, Loser".

Anyways, when I returned hours later I had forgotten about the message. I was in such shock when I opened my screen and saw the hurtful words. I almost cried. The whole thing (including this post) was pretty lame but I wanted to show that self-bullying exists and sucks so don't do it.

The new header on this blog is a result of Friday's procrastination.


Jamie said...

"self-bullying exists and sucks so don't do it"


and four your information, i've been reading Extra Mustard, who has a daily "HOt Links" thing, since before you even started your i stole it form them. lol.

bgonshor said...

Hahahaha Emily why must you do this to yourself?

caroline said...

dont bully yourself!
thats my job...I WISH!
more like the other way around!
at least i now hit back...

Anonymous said...

chocolate cake with purple icing solves all of life's problems. so come, or die.