For eleven summers I have gone to the same sleep away camp and plan on making it a twelfth if they ever call to hire me. (I have only spent all day nervously staring at my phone). My anxiousness reached such extremes that I left my cell with my mother because it was preventing me from functioning. Now shes upstairs with it and every time I hear the floorboards creek, my heart is in my throat. Totally not what this post was supposed to be about.
Moving on...
For those of you who aren't aware, I am an only child. Therefore, at camp or at school I create my own legacy which ends once I leave. Yet recently my younger cousins have 'come of age' for sleep-away camp. So when they told me that they would never attend sleep away camp, you could imagine I took it personally. Here was my one shot of maybe having someone continue my legacy but no.
I was pissed.

Anyways, my cousin told me he was the best Connect Four player ever. I told him that there was no way he could beat me, I am a professional. But he insisted and after a close game I won. (No great feat considering hes 7.) Then the rest of my anti-camp cousins challenged me and I proceeded to beat each of them. Then beat them again when they took me on as a team.
They were not happy.
And refused to play against me ever again.
I guess I should have let them win at least once, but my immaturity to their anti-camp spirit got in the way.
Then they asked me how I got so good at the game.
My answer?
Maybe now they will reconsider.
Maybe I should gain some maturity.
great post
finally im trying to figure out how to comment. so i hope this works!
horrible horrible should let them win sometimes!
especially if we are talking about the twins.
as for kids who don't want to go to camp...never understood that one
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