Thursday, December 11, 2008

There is ALWAYS Time for Procrastination...always

So exam studying has turned me into quite the emo-kid but by monday it will all be over. Thank God because I don't think I could last much longer with all the wrist-slittage I have been doing (not actually).
Anywhooo I have a great story to tell about a certain facebook group of mine known as JERC but it will have to wait until I am feeling confident in my Marketing and Political Science abilities.

Also I have come across this amazingly awesome website that should immediately be checked out.
I highly suggest clicking the 'random button'.
The truth is though I saw a story about it on the news last night and I am not sure whether the same affect is given off online but I hope so. All I do know is that LadyAwkz and I have plans to purchase someone ASAP.


caroline said...

i know the jerc story!
i feel so special...i cannot wait for you to re-tell it!
and cooooooooool shirts!

caroline said...

its funny because emo is also emo (pronounce: em oh) and thats what i used to call you for like FOREVER!
coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Laur said...

that website is soooo sick, gotta get me a shirt... its gonna be so damn hard to find someone i actually want to wear... i need to find someone just as awesome, as i dont know... ME!

Laur said...
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