Monday, October 13, 2008


For those unaware, The Gazette writers have voted for a strike. This is the email all journalism students received from our head of department. I just had to share it.

"It's come to my attention that some Concordia journalism students have been
approached by CanWest to replace regular newsroom staff should there be a strike
or lock-out at The Gazette. While that decision is ultimately up to you,
I would caution you to think very carefully about accepting such an offer
as it is a form of scab labour. Not only could it harm your reputation
and the reputation of our department within the journalistic community,
it interferes with the ongoing collective bargaining process between Gazette
journalists and their employer."

Moral: DON'T write for The Gazette during their lock-out, it is career suicide. Not that I have much of a career right now...


caroline said...

so does that mean you are going to write for the gazette now?

bgonshor said...

I think andPOP's hiring...