Sunday, February 1, 2009

Friday Night.

Living at home while going to University is always sort of a buzz kill. This friday night, a few of us decided to live it up and head out. Our first stop was McGill rez where a friend from camp lives and then our plan was to go to a McGill party. This is not a stereotypical way for me to spend my weekend but I figured it is about time I left my house.

So we get to rez where I notice that everyone is dressed up in costumes. Oh? Well fun fact... the party is a Time Warp where you choose a decade to represent. Great to know that instead of some blouse and boots I could be perfectly dressed in a off the shoulder sweatshirt, converse and a sideways pony tail! I was pretty devastated and have still not gotten over it. Clearly I should have checked the facebook event FML
But the party was really fun!..which is an even bigger surprise considering I was the designated driver and I danced. The thing is I DO NOT DANCE ever...especially sober.
So anyways I left the party feeling rather 'old' since there were tons of under 18s binge drinking and puking all over the pace. I guess they still haven't learnt their limit yet. I remember those days... not actually since I was always too scared to go out when I was 16 because I looked 12 which embodies my Saturday Night...


Anonymous said...

you still look 12 ;)

and congrats on having a life... kind of.

Anonymous said...

you DANCED?!
does this mean i have competition now?