Friday, August 29, 2008

Fashion Rut of Pathetic Proportions

American Apparel has robbed me of any fashion individuality I may have once had. For about a year now I have been stuck in a fashion rut that only increases as American Apparel introduces new styles and colours into their fall line. Their deadliest item.... the deep v-neck. Morning wardrobe decisions are no longer "what should I wear" but rather which colour v-neck will I pair up with my skinny jeans today. Sometimes if I am feeling extra adventuress I wear my high top Nikes instead of my Converse. Pathetic I know.

Now would seem like the perfect time to go on an American Apparel strike and swear to give up all AA articles for a week. The problem is that this "strike" would interfere with the first day of school and I just can't sacrifice the perfect first day outfit.

And so I find myself unwilling to give up my AA addiction which leaves me in a pathetic fashion rut that I might just like too much to change.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

very intuitive....i like it