Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Even though Halloween is now over, I have to admit that it caused me lots of stress and I am glad we have already found ourselves in November. Day Light Savings was great because I got an extra hour of sleep before work, but boy does it get dark out early now. Guess that means winter is approaching...

So for Halloween I hoped to find awesome plans that didn't involve a "very revealing" costume but waited too long and instead stayed home Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, the actual day of Halloween, I went trick or treating with my one-year-old niece who was dressed up as a very cute moneky. I got all dressed up in a geek costume but looked more like Avril Lavigne or Taylor Swift before she gets the guy than I did a geek. It was still lots of fun but most of the houses we went to were wondering where my bag was... they were shocked to find out I was twenty and their embarrassment often meant more candy for the baby (which really meant more candy for us adults).

Highlights included: the first house having FULL-SIZED chocolate bars, another giving out candy and halloween themed pencils AND the house that had foam flowing down their driveway!

Then later saturday night, I went to see Paranormal Activity... um I haven't slept in days. No that is not exactly true but it was for sure one scary scary movie though I recommend seeing it. Everyone in the theatre was dressed up which was funny. I was a ballerina by that point though I didn't really put the costume to much use after the movie.

SO to wrap up my halloween, I dressed in two very cliche costumes, got free candy and saw a scary movie making it a less awful halloween than I had expected. Guess it is time to start dreading New Year's Eve :)

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