A little while back, I received a friend request from an "Emily White". Interested I decided to click on her friends and noticed she had around 60 other Emily's as her facebook friend.
I was a little creeped out so rather than respond to the request I kind of just let it it there in my requests on facebook. Over the next few weeks I continued to check her friends and noticed she had gone from 60 to 102 Emily White friends. Finally journalism bff Jill told me it was enough and I deleted her. BUT it did not end there.... a few days later I received the following private message:
"Hello! As you can see my name is also Emily White. I have decided to friend request other Emily White's and start a group for us, since clearly, we are awesome. So Accept if you want but no worries if you don't. You can also find the group, Emily White’s of the World, and send me a request to join the group! - Emily"
This was followed by another Emily's friendship request. It
has now been weeks upon weeks that the two requests have been pending on facebook but I avoided deleting them until I wrote this post. Although I found it too sketchy to accept them as friends, I did request to join the Emily White's of the world facebook group just in case... Truthfully, I only did that this morning as I was writing my post so this post will definitely deserve an update once I have been accepted into the group.
The reason I entitled this post "Not Again...." was because it seems that every so often, facebook loves to remind me that there are 500+ Emily White's. Remember last year's "My Scottish Alias or Identity Theft". Maybe I should message that girl and find out if she ever found the right Emily White.

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