So I think... rather I know that I live my life too structured and too worried about everything. Which is one of the main reasons why I update so infrequently. Every blog post has to be written, edited and formatted to match all my other ones. This obsession with only using purple and arial font size large is just one of my neurotic behaviours that I think is preventing me from freedom. Well that and the fact that I am way too comfortable living at home. Anyways my goal is to live life a little less seriously and take myself a little less seriously too.
So in an un-whiteboard fashion I will fill you in on my last few adventures in a list form that doesn't involve and FML worthy moments (ok, just one).
1. Went to a foam party - had lots of fun... I even danced
2. Bought a pinata and filled it with candy for lisa's birthday - it was amaaazing
3. Barely studied for one of my poli sci tests - YET the teacher wants to use my essay as an example of a good essay
4. Packed up and went to Florida for my first time in years (I know, totally NOT stereotypical)
5. Enjoyed Florida and the sun but accidentally left my necklace on and got stuck with an untanned heart on my neck that still shows
6. Ate a lot in Florida and ate a little more
7. Came home to lots of unfinished homework that is still mostly unfinished and for some reason I barely care
8. Enjoyed vacation for the most part minus the awkward tan lines
9. Ran on the treadmill for like the first time ever but it was fun because of my super upbeat playlist I made.
10. TCBY with Stalkers Katie and Stacy in honor of their birthdy to happen sometime soon
11. Planning to attend a party tomorrow night in celebration of Jewish Halloween and come home later than I should *gasp*
There are some funny stories from these last few weeks that deserve blog post themselves but I am not sure when I will get around to writing them.
Happy Purim everyone!
ps. this post only took fifteen minutes compared to my average hour