I will take what I can get if I want to go away before camp this summer.

Then there was St. Patty's day where in an attempt to be festive I dressed up in a little green and went about my day. On the way home though I bumped into Jamie who somehow convinced me to go drinking with him. Note: it was 2:30 but I followed him to some Irish Pub where by 4 o'clock I had sorta of finished my first beer ever and was slightly tipsy. Let's just say the bus and metro home by myself was less than enjoyable. Don't think I am done celebrating... this sunday is the St. Patrick's day parade. I have lived here all my life and never been so I think it is about time to get dressed up in green and head out onto St. Catherine's Street.
That is not all I am excited about. In fact, best friend Madeleine from all the way in Santa Barbra is coming to Montreal for her spring break, yay! Though we have nothing major planned it will be the first time seeing her in almost year (well aside from Skype) so I am VERY excited. Also there has been this package I have been meaning to send her since this summer that she will finally receive.
Other than that I have lots of work and tons of interviews but as it is the first official day of SPRING I will avoid stressing.

Honestly, helping kids put beads on strings in pretty much what I did all summer last summer before I came to Oinks. It was really fun. Crazy boss aside, it was the best.
yay i want to go to the parade!!
i can imagine u working with little kids at party
i miss u em!
we shud definitely meet up someday
i rly miss our classtime with jude!
so much fuuuuun
ps: make a david cassidy beads necklace or wtv it was called to one fo those partay ure going to work at hahah
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