It seems that Sundays are a good day to write a blog post. To be honest though, nothing exciting has really happened to me lately. Except maybe for the fact I think Jesus is following me.
The whole ordeal started when I attended a lecture at Concordia.
It was a presentation to be given by Kim Phuc known as The Girl in the Picture. Anyways it was being hosted by Campus for Christ a ministry that acts as a spiritual resources on university campuses across Canada... whatever that means. Kim was an amazing speaker and shared her incredible story but clearly I should have expected that for an hour and a half I would listen to how becoming a Christian changed Kim's life and how accepting Jesus into her heart allowed her to blah blah blah. The best part though, had to be when she started crying and saying God is the essence (or something like that). Pretty much confessions of a love for Jesus was a little to much for Moses loving me. Though, maybe I am just acting like a naive Jew.
My Jesus week is still not over. For anyone who watches and obse
sses with TLC reality specials, you would be familiar with the show about the Duggar family "17 Kids and counting". This uber religious family has seventeen children and one on the way. All whose first name starts with the letter J. How cute, kinda like Sesame Street. All the children have been brought up with strict beliefs about religion and popular culture. The fifteen year old J-whatever was sharing his belief that internet in the home is a terrible influence because of the access to pornographic content. (Ironically, the family has its own website) How could I forget the only music they listen to is gospels. According to the eight year old girl J-whocares rock music is a terrible influence, Jesus music is better. I was thankful when Jon and Kate Plus Eight came on.
LadyAwkz (Alex) and I went digging at the salvation army on Friday. We were looking for inspirations for a bag line we hope to launch on etsy. I got sidetracked in the picture frame/other random junk department. I was scavenging around looking for interesting frames when I found one that was almost perfect...minus the words inscribed at the bottom "Confirmed in Christianity" with a nice little cross in the little side corner. Um never mind then.
Lastly, my grandmother's care-taker, Lynette, was eating dinner with us on Friday. My grandmother was excited to tell us that Lynette sings in the choir and has a mini concert for us. Not exactly mosh pit... So she gets up to sing the famous Christmas carol "Silent Night". The lyrics go something like this:
The whole ordeal started when I attended a lecture at Concordia.

My Jesus week is still not over. For anyone who watches and obse

LadyAwkz (Alex) and I went digging at the salvation army on Friday. We were looking for inspirations for a bag line we hope to launch on etsy. I got sidetracked in the picture frame/other random junk department. I was scavenging around looking for interesting frames when I found one that was almost perfect...minus the words inscribed at the bottom "Confirmed in Christianity" with a nice little cross in the little side corner. Um never mind then.
Lastly, my grandmother's care-taker, Lynette, was eating dinner with us on Friday. My grandmother was excited to tell us that Lynette sings in the choir and has a mini concert for us. Not exactly mosh pit... So she gets up to sing the famous Christmas carol "Silent Night". The lyrics go something like this:
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born.
Every year I hear it and never notice the lyrics. I guess my sensitivity to Jesus these days made me aware. After the solo performance my mother thought it would be a great idea for the WHOLE family to go see her sing at the church.
Maybe I am over thinking the whole thing, but I don't know it seems that a higher power is trying to tell me something...