So for my summer job as a camp supervisor I am required to attend a weekend up north with the other supervisors. We play games, eat, and mainly bond with each other in preparation for the summer. Attendance at this weekend is MANDATORY.
Anyways my friend Lisa's program is offering a ski weekend the weekend of her birthday February 13th- 15th and I decided to go on this trip with he
r. Seeing that the date was mid February I was hesitant because I had a feeling the supervisor weekend would be planned around then like it was last year. So I emailed the camp director asking for dates before I signed up and paid for the ski trip. He insisted that the dates would arrive shortly. They didn't so I decided to risk it and sign up for the ski weekend giving McGill an $100 dollar deposit.
I figure like last year I will have several dates to choose from or worse comes to worse I am out a hundred dollars. Months go by and still camp has yet to send out the dates. I am beginning to get annoyed as the rest of the money for the ski trip is due very soon. I email the director again and was told that we will get the dates ASAP. Once again no email was sent out and the payment deadline for ski trip was the next day. I pay for the ski trip and hope that it won't be an issue and that there will be other suitable dates. Obviously I am not so lucky.
So on Friday January 9th, Lisa gives in my second $109 dollars to the ski trip committee at around 9:30 am. On this same Friday at 11:30am, I get an email from camp saying that there is only one weekend that works for everyone and it is Friday 13th-14th. OBVIOSULY this is the same weekend as the skip trip I JUST hours earlier paid for - no money back.
So it seems that Friday the 13th seems to be a very unlucky date for me. Either I lose out on my $200 or I am fired from camp neither of which I would like happening. So now I am stuck with both a frustrating situation and a frustrating new superstition surrounding Friday the 13ths.
Anyways my friend Lisa's program is offering a ski weekend the weekend of her birthday February 13th- 15th and I decided to go on this trip with he

I figure like last year I will have several dates to choose from or worse comes to worse I am out a hundred dollars. Months go by and still camp has yet to send out the dates. I am beginning to get annoyed as the rest of the money for the ski trip is due very soon. I email the director again and was told that we will get the dates ASAP. Once again no email was sent out and the payment deadline for ski trip was the next day. I pay for the ski trip and hope that it won't be an issue and that there will be other suitable dates. Obviously I am not so lucky.

So it seems that Friday the 13th seems to be a very unlucky date for me. Either I lose out on my $200 or I am fired from camp neither of which I would like happening. So now I am stuck with both a frustrating situation and a frustrating new superstition surrounding Friday the 13ths.
That fucking sucks.
I hate camps that don't answer their valued employees in time. Damn them all. That's so cool though, you have a winter bonding time. That's very cool. I wish my camp did that. Em that sucks, that's such a dilemma. I'm in such a lousy mood for you.
mis hopefully they will change the weekend!!
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