So as to not disappoint myself I will refrain from any more resolutions like working out and eating healthy because I know it is only a matter of seconds before I break those.
Thought it might be fun to share how I spent the first day of 2009:

Well for starters, I didn't leave my house. I woke up earlier than I wanted in a desperate thirst. Probably the result of one too many drinks last night. Barely had an appetite but was made waffles and ate one anyways. Watched the Rose Bowl Parade - super exciting. Watched a bunch of TV I taped all semester. The next part of my day had to be the most exciting... I painted. See for chanukah my mother bought me a scarf. As you already know from my previous blog, I wasn't exactly thrilled. So I explained to her I wanted something more creative. And what does she do? Buys me a paint-by-numbers sort of activity. So here on new years day I began my acrylic painting of a fence and flowers. Monet better watch out. Then I had family dinner where we played scattergories and whoonu. Then I watched more TV and finally ended the night with this post. Not the most exciting day, but not so bad either.
The one thing I just cannot muster up the happiness for is school.... 4 ish days. left of vacation But then it will be study break soon enough and will hopefully get to travel out to visit a friend in Santa Barbara though she isn't aware of this plan yet (another optimisitc thought generated by my new years resolution for more positive thinking)!
Happy New Year to you too.
I'll be back soon enough, I know you miss me terribly!
happy new years!
glad to hear u had fun at a party..im impressed.
my new years and new years day was just as unexciting as urs if not worse. i spent the day sweeping and mopping floors which were pretty gross as a result of someone elses new years party!
hope to see u soon
scattergories and whoonu sounds like christmas eve at my cousins... you loved it so much you had to repeat the experience!
Being more positive: Yes Embets. Please.
Your New Years looks like it was amazing. Taped TV and Scattegories sounds like a raving good time. I'm not even pulling your leg.
We should do a Boggle showdown soon...
Since we seem to be given days of grace off work...for some strange reason?
YAY for 2009.
Ps. Paint by numbers is loads of fun.
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