After eight years wearing the same watch I got as a present for my Bat Mitzvah, I bought a new one! It was a "no plans to go anywhere for winter vacation or spring break" present to myself. I am truly in love with it though it is a little heavy to wear but I am sure it will not be long till I get used to it. It this this lovely Michael Kors gunmetal -------------------------->
I was torn between this one and a silver/white one but I thought that one was a little too classic and if I commit to such a classic style at twenty than I was being boring. Plus my mother liked the other one better and who doesn't love going against their mother's fashion sense? My tiny little wrists meant they had to take 5 links off the band but they did it right there so I did not have to wait for it. Best part is that it comes with a two-year warranty, something I hopefully won't need but are glad to have. The only reason this post is so long is because I could not figure out how to make the picture smaller and it looked weird without text next to it.
how page layout of you
Yay for blingy watches.
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