Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Already? Really?

September is always ruined with the pressure of what to do for my birthday.
October is always ruined with the pressure of how to celebrate halloween.
And December is always ruined with the pressure of finding the perfect New year's party.

That is why I like November... there is nothing to worry about.

Now it may seem a little unnecessary and pathetic to have an entire month ruined because of one day but it is more than just the day, it is living with the disappointment if (when) that day does not live up to my expectations. This year I was a little more apathetic than usual and barely acknowledged my birthday or halloween. In fact I went so far as to avoid both these holidays completely. A pretty losery way to celebrate but I just could not handle the pressure of invitations or of a costume.

Which brings me back to New Year's Eve. Can someone please explain to me why this holiday has creeped up into my November. Today when I signed onto facebook, there sitting in my events was a New Year's party. I was not ready for such an invite. Guess the pressure is already on :(

Okay enough ranting!

Check out my latest article:

Mind your manners: modern day etiquette guide for students

ps: if you are in town during the break aka not migrating to florida.. let me know

Friday, November 13, 2009

As seen in the Life section

So as a journalism student, it is pretty important to start getting involved. Whether it be in the school paper, school radio station, etc. In my first year I was nervous and self-conscious about my abilities so I made zero effort to write for the paper or get myself out there at all. Then it hit me... scholarship applications, internships and summer jobs in my field all require portfolios. They require at least 2 clippings of work you've had published. I had none. This lack of published work was not a good thing. So I decided to conquer my fears and my laziness and I emailed the editor of the life section at the Concordian. A couple of hours later, I had my first story - Recycled Clothing. The 1000 word limit came with a two week deadline. Now four weeks later I have had three articles published which is nothing in comparison to certain friends of mine (jill) but it is a start and I am proud. So here are my three feature articles that appeared in the life section of The Concordian.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Time Check

After eight years wearing the same watch I got as a present for my Bat Mitzvah, I bought a new one! It was a "no plans to go anywhere for winter vacation or spring break" present to myself. I am truly in love with it though it is a little heavy to wear but I am sure it will not be long till I get used to it. It this this lovely Michael Kors gunmetal -------------------------->
I was torn between this one and a silver/white one but I thought that one was a little too classic and if I commit to such a classic style at twenty than I was being boring. Plus my mother liked the other one better and who doesn't love going against their mother's fashion sense? My tiny little wrists meant they had to take 5 links off the band but they did it right there so I did not have to wait for it. Best part is that it comes with a two-year warranty, something I hopefully won't need but are glad to have. The only reason this post is so long is because I could not figure out how to make the picture smaller and it looked weird without text next to it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Even though Halloween is now over, I have to admit that it caused me lots of stress and I am glad we have already found ourselves in November. Day Light Savings was great because I got an extra hour of sleep before work, but boy does it get dark out early now. Guess that means winter is approaching...

So for Halloween I hoped to find awesome plans that didn't involve a "very revealing" costume but waited too long and instead stayed home Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, the actual day of Halloween, I went trick or treating with my one-year-old niece who was dressed up as a very cute moneky. I got all dressed up in a geek costume but looked more like Avril Lavigne or Taylor Swift before she gets the guy than I did a geek. It was still lots of fun but most of the houses we went to were wondering where my bag was... they were shocked to find out I was twenty and their embarrassment often meant more candy for the baby (which really meant more candy for us adults).

Highlights included: the first house having FULL-SIZED chocolate bars, another giving out candy and halloween themed pencils AND the house that had foam flowing down their driveway!

Then later saturday night, I went to see Paranormal Activity... um I haven't slept in days. No that is not exactly true but it was for sure one scary scary movie though I recommend seeing it. Everyone in the theatre was dressed up which was funny. I was a ballerina by that point though I didn't really put the costume to much use after the movie.

SO to wrap up my halloween, I dressed in two very cliche costumes, got free candy and saw a scary movie making it a less awful halloween than I had expected. Guess it is time to start dreading New Year's Eve :)