We go to get our jackets at the coat check and there is a table of guys who call us over. They ask us some question about the difference between homicide vs. assasination...whatever not the point. One of the guys at the table asks us if we are fans of R. Kelly. Great a 'you look 14 joke'. We explain that we are in fact 19 and they are shocked. Fun fact - they had a bet on it. Just Fabulous.

We tell them we get it we look twelve and one of the guys goes well you also look jewish. No surprise he was a Jew too. Jewdar at it's best. He then goes let me guess your names. He calls me Michelle and calls Teddy Rebecca. We tell him he got it wrong when he goes to me well then, your last name is White and hers is Green. Well 1/2 isn't bad. He wasn't surprised at all because and I quote "Jew last names, always a colour!" So true. We talk about CSL, Hampstead, Westmount and DDO and then make our ways out the door.
Though, the anti-ego boost is far from over.
Some guy outside smoking goes to us "Hey girls can I ask you something... don't take it the wrong way." Oh let me guess he wants to know if we are actually legal. Ha Ha we get it we look 12. He continues "I had a bet with my friends upstairs about your age, I guessed you were barely 18. So are you?" Thanks but we are on our way to 20. He was SHOCKED and apologized.
Nothing spells out a fun like two different set of guys betting against your legality...
take it as a compliment - they were just trying to find a cut way to pick you cuties up. enjoy the attention
hahaha love this em!
he he he...
this is awesome.
great story! sounds like a fun weeknd!!
dont worry too much about looking young, when we are all 50 and you still look 30, we will all be the ones complaining!
why do you love the punctuation?
is that actually your mom?
it wasn't boxing, it was MMA.
(I wish I had this many comments)
Wow, of all the colours to pick when it comes to Jewish last names he picks White first? What happened to GOLD?! Fun times. See you soon.
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