All I do is read. 60 pages in one class. 120 in another. I have turned into a hermit trying to stay on top of all these readings. Monday nights are usually devoted to watching the melodramatic TV shows that give me unrealistic expectations of how love should be BUT no! I spent the night locked in my room hilighter in hand.
Thank God for PVR :)

Last night I rearranged my room. My bed, which usually faces the window now faces the mirror. I love this new set up however, there are two problems: 1) Outlets are now in the most inconvenient places making it hard to connect anything. 2) Every time I catch my reflection in the mirror I think it is either someone coming to kill me or a vampire (no doubt proof of my new Twilight obsession). Problem 1 was easily solved with the use of extension chords, but problem 2 will have to take a lot of getting used to.
Even though last week I was all hate towards "New Facebook" I must confess I like it. I am embracing the change unlike tons of others who downloading the "Old Facebook" application. Gosh they didn't even give it one day.
I love the colour purple (obvious fact for anyone who knows me). I have purple scarves, purple shoes, a purple schoolbag, a purple purse, a purple pencil case, a purple font scheme in my blog and even my cell phone is a nice plum purple or maybe it's more on the eggplant side. You get my point. Anyways, today in class I spotted the ultimate purple item: a purple laptop. I was amazed, jealous and distracted. Even for purple obsessed me I acknowledged that a purple laptop would be purple overkill. (Just like the fact that I wrote it 12 times in this post).