Well well, its been quite a few months but a recent event has led me to blogger. You see, despite being of the Jewish faith, I have a christmas tree in my house. No, not a chanukah/hanukah bush but rather a 9ft balsam pine. You see, my step-father is not part of the tribe and as a result we celebrate both holidays.

So here we were saturday morning opening gifts nice and early as I was going to work and my mother was going up north. I was delighted to be gifted a new knapsack, electric toothbrush (upon request) and one beautiful black leather purse. She was stunning. My step-father believes in using "fake boxes" aka hides the real gifts inside un-matching wrapping so my toothbrush came in a kindle box and my knapsack in a heating pad one. My purse on the other hand came in a nice gift bag.
Anyways, I went downstairs with my knapsack to see if it was big enough to hold my laptop and left the other gifts upstairs in the time-being. Being a newbie at the christmas traditions, I was informed that all gifts stay under the tree at least for christmas day. No questions asked I left my assortment of gifts in the gift bag and ran-off to work.
Last night I realized I had no clue where my toothbrush was and figured I had left it in the knapsack. This morning I went to checked the bag, no toothbrush and went to look under the tree with the purse. But there were no gifts under the tree at all. As I scavenged the entire house and garbage pale it dawned on me that the recycling man had already passed earlier that morning and before I knew it, I had deducted that the purse was gone. Recycled. Dead. Along with it went the new beautiful purple toothbrush.
So here I am, three hours into my sulk session and still feeling awfully shitty about my misfortune and felt there was no better place to express it than the Whiteboard. Whether this means future posts to come or not is unclear but at least for the time being all 3 of you will be entertained for five minutes.