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I love scarves, I do.
I have a nice collection ranging between 12-15 and a multitude of colours, textures, fabrics and sizes.
The thing is.... it seems that people think it is the ONLY thing I like because for the holiday season I have received 5 more. And not that I don't appreciate presents because I really do I just can't handle another scarf. Like literally, I have nowhere to store the things.
I discovered my lack of space today when my mother forced me to clean my ro
om. I realized that I just have way too much JUNK. Currently, I am on a cleaning 'break' which judging by the giant pile in the middle of my floor, I can't really afford the Time Out. Yet its my first day off in ages so I can't afford to waste precious lying in bed time either...
Anyways, so just like my birthday and halloween... NEW YEARS stresses me out. What to do. No matter what, let's be honest... it is always a bust. But in theme with my resolution to 'be positive', I believe tomorrow night will work out and be awesome!
I guess it is no secret that I have been absent from Blogger for most o
f this month. The truth is that I have spent a lot of time working and I don't really have much material. I was hoping that working as a wrapper the week before christmas would leave me with some much needed entertainment but nothing out of the ordinary boredom has happened at work. boo.
I haven't even had the chance to break out my snowboard yet this season which is a whole other load of disappointment.
But seeing as it is Christmas, I am going to move on and think of things I am looking forward to....
- Doroshenko Christmas Dinner (which is in like 5 minutes)- Shopping trip to Burlington
- Hitting the slopes (hopefully)
- Sleeping in past 9
So ya, hopefully some new material will come out of all these exciting upcoming events
So exam studying has turned me into quite the emo-kid but by monday
it will all be over. Thank God because I don't think I could last much longer with all the wrist-slittage I have been doing (not actually).
Anywhooo I have a great story to tell about a certain facebook group of mine known as JERC but it will have to wait until I am feeling confident in my Marketing and Political Science abilities.
Also I have come across this amazingly awesome website that should immediately be checked out.
I highly suggest clicking the 'random button'.
The truth is though I saw a story about it on the news last night and I am not sure whether the same affect is given off online but I hope so. All I do know is that LadyAwkz and I have plans to purchase someone ASAP.
The Whiteboard has been lacking posts lately due to the fact that exam studying is killing me.
All I have done in the last week is sit, eat, type, read, eat, eat, and eat. I am actually embarrassed of the amount I have consumed or the amount of Diet Cokes I have drank. One of my favorite treats of the week are Hershey Kisses - Cherry that my mother brought home. Despite the fact I prefer dark chocolate to milk these little delicacies taste like the good old fashion cherry blossoms (minus the cherry). While searching for a picture online, I learned that they are Limited Edition (I love the Holidays!)... a good way to justify the dozen I have already eaten.
Oh and I forgot to mention I also voted in the election and walked my dog.
Sorry for this post's lack of 'substance'....
With vacation soon, I am sure that there will be lots more to come - not that I am going anywhere exciting butt I work at a toy store and it is almost Christmas so I am hoping for lots of blog worthy stories.
I know this pet peeve has been said so many times before, but I just had to
vent. So tonight I went to the Habs game and got there pretty early so I went to the bathroom. It is completely empty minus me. I go to some random stall and seconds later a woman comes to the stall DIRECTLY next to mine. I don't understand what inclined her to cuddle with me.
Anyways, I guess there wasn't toilet paper or something because she walks right out a second later. I figured she found it as awkward as I did. NOPE... where does she go? Why of course, she goes to the stall directly on my other side! I just don't get it. People should learn that there is public bathroom etiquette that requires a person to respect another's personal space. There is actually an entire site dedicated to it.